RWSN Ressources
Fiel, P.
Year of Publishing
Preliminary Assessment on the status of the water well drilling sector in Angola, Final Report
This Preliminary Assessment consists of documenting and clearly visualizing the state of water well drilling in Angola, with clear recommendations on how to strengthen the sector to ensure that effective drilling is performed. “The effectiveness of drilling, in terms of costs, is defined as the optimum value taking into account the money invested in the long term. The holes are made to last between 20 to 50 years. Therefore, the lowest cost well is not always the most cost-effective, especially if the quality of the construction is compromised to save money”. Apparently, in Angola, the term "cost-effectiveness" has been used in a counter-productive way to highlight short-term cost reductions to the detriment of quality.
DISCLAIMER: This is a non-RWSN publication and endorsement by RWSN or any of its member organisations should not be inferred.
Bibliographical Information:
Fiel, P. (2017) Preliminary Assessment on the status of the water well drilling sector in Angola, Final Report. , UNICEF , UNICEF
More Information
» RWSN Blog: Professional Water Wells Drilling: Country Assessments of the Sector
» Portuguese version: Estudo preliminar sobre o estado da perfuraçao de poços de agua em Angola
Preliminary Assessment on the status of the water well drilling sector in Angola, Final Report
Preliminary Assessment on the status of the water well drilling sector in Angola, Final Report - UNICEF
Summary report of the interviews conducted as part of the preliminary study on the state of water well drilling in Angola