RWSN Ressources
Steenbergen, F. van, K. Woldearegay, H.M. van Beusekom, D. Garcia Landarte, and M. Al-Abyadh
Year of Publishing
Meta Meta, UPGro, RAIN
How to Make Water Wise Roads
This note may serve as guideline on how to combine roads and water harvesting. The investment in roads in almost any country far exceeds that in local water management or watershed protection. Hence roads offer one of the largest opportunities to secure local water supplies, if done wisely and in an integrated way. This document describes both the governance and proceses to combine road development with water management as well as how recharge, retention and reuse (3R) of water can be enhanced through improved designs.
DISCLAIMER: This is a non-RWSN publication and endorsement by RWSN or any of its member organisations should not be inferred.
Bibliographical Information:
Steenbergen, F. van, K. Woldearegay, H.M. van Beusekom, D. Garcia Landarte, and M. Al-Abyadh (2014) How to Make Water Wise Roads. , Meta Meta, UPGro, RAIN , IFAD
How to Make Water-Wise Roads
Reconnaissance Report - Gully Erosion
Reconnaissance Report - Potential for Water Harvesting from Roads
Reconnaissance Report - Design Considerations