RWSN Ressources
Meta Meta Research / Mekelle University
Year of Publishing
Meta Meta Research
Optimising Road Development for Groundwater Recharge and Retention Final Workshop
This is one of the 15 UPGro Catalyst Projects. This one looked at ways at which roads can be used to improve groundwater recharge in Ethiopia. Below are the presentations from the final project workshop which from this exciting project.
There are also links to some the final reports (filed separately).
DISCLAIMER: This is a non-RWSN publication and endorsement by RWSN or any of its member organisations should not be inferred.
Bibliographical Information:
Meta Meta Research / Mekelle University (2014) Optimising Road Development for Groundwater Recharge and Retention. Final Workshop , Meta Meta Research
More Information
» UPGro - main programme website
» How to Make Water Wise Roads
» Optimizing Intensified Runoff from Roads for Supplemental Irrigation: Tigray Region, Ethiopia
Water harvesting from roads in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia: Techniques and Effects General Overview of First Findings
Water Harvesting from Roads in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia: In Figures
Towards Prosperous Tigray Region through Sustainable Investment in Flood-based Farming Systems
Roads for water: groundwater, livelihoods and poverty alleviation in Tigray
Roads and Water in Ethiopia: Practices and Opportunities
Initiatives on road water harvesting in tigray, Ethiopia
Water Harvesting from Roads in Ethiopia: Practices and Techniques