RWSN Ressources
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development
Year of Publishing
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development
Malawi Sector Performance Report 2011
This annual Sector Performance Report (SPR) is a key source of information on the performance of the Irrigation, Water and Sanitation sector (IWSS) in Malawi. The main goal of the 2011 SPR is to inform discussions and decisions of the Joint Sector Review (JSR), which will be held in April 2012. Led by the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation, Water and Development (MoAIWD), conclusions and recommendations from the JSR will enable the Government of Malawi (GoM) to set investment priorities that will contribute to national poverty reduction goals.
Bibliographical Information:
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development (2012) Malawi Sector Performance Report 2011. , Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development
Malawi Sector Performance Report 2011