RWSN Ressources
Year of Publishing
Public Water Corporation, MWRI
National Workshop on Cost-Effective Boreholes in Sudan 18-19 November 2009 Grand Holiday Villa Hotel, Khartoum, SUDAN
A 2-day workshop, attended by over 120 participants was held in Khartoum in November 2009. The objective was to analyze the factors affecting cost-effective drilling in Sudan, share successful experiences from within the country and beyond and move towards evolving a Code of Practice for drilling cost-effective boreholes in Sudan.
Bibliographical Information:
RWSN (2009) National Workshop on Cost-Effective Boreholes in Sudan. 18-19 November 2009 Grand Holiday Villa Hotel, Khartoum, SUDAN , Public Water Corporation, MWRI , UNICEF , Khartoum, Sudan
Report of the National Workshop on Cost-Effective Boreholes in Sudan
Towards Cost Effective Groundwater Development in Sudan - report
Presentation - Can one size fit all
Presentation - Contract Management and Categorisation of Risk - Tom Armstrong
Presentation - Cost Effective Boreholes Social Responsibility - M. Goletti, U. Ambrosi, J N Kutumbakana
Presentation - Drilling of cost effective boreholes in Southern Sudan - M B Malek
Presentation - Private Sector Perspective on Cost Effective Boreholes – South Sudan - M A M Awol