RWSN Ressources
Baas, L. J. S.
Year of Publishing
Aqua for All
FIETS Evaluation of the Katosi WaSH Self Supply Program
The evaluation of the Katosi WaSh Self Supply program in Uganda has been executed by SAWA Consult on request of Aqua for All. It has been performed in the month of August/September 2016. The aim of the evaluation was to rate the project and its Key Project Interventions on sustainability according to the FIETS criteria. The main key project interventions can be categorized is the following: rain water storage tanks, bio sand filters, toilets and training(s). The Katosi WaSH Self Supply project is strongly demand driven with good institutional and technical guidance and supervision from the Katosi Women Development Trust. In the evaluation period spend in the field and with staff members of the KWDT it became evident that this specific project under the overall umbrella of the KWDT meets its objectives and target group which is mentioned in the Vision and Mission statement.
Bibliographical Information:
Baas, L. J. S. (2016) FIETS Evaluation of the Katosi WaSH Self Supply Program. , Aqua for All
More Information
Evaluation of the Katosi WaSH Self Supply Program (L13017)