RWSN Ressources
Dugar, S. & Irwin C.
Year of Publishing
Frontier Tech Hub
Integrating AI into the asset management of rural water supply schemes in Nepal Discovery Report
Currently significant amounts of technical photos are being collected for the NWASH portal, but these are not used to analyse the condition of rural water infrastructure. The Discovery will establish the extent to which AI-image processing will be useful for condition assessment of key structures / components of rural water supply schemes. The Discovery will establish how the Nepal WASH system can integrate AI as part of NWASH to calculate annual investment requirement for infrastructure asset management of rural water schemes and to what extent the data can be used for decision making
Bibliographical Information:
Dugar, S. & Irwin C. (2023) Integrating AI into the asset management of rural water supply schemes in Nepal. Discovery Report , Frontier Tech Hub
More Information
» Integrating AI into the asset management of rural water supply schemes in Nepal
AI for WASH Asset Management - Nepal