The World Bank

Year of Publishing

The World Bank

Water Global Practice

Karnataka Sustainable Rural Water Supply Program Program Information Documents (PID)


The Karnataka Sustainable Rural Water Supply Program (P179039) by the World Bank aims to improve and sustain rural water supply services in Karnataka. Here are the key activities the project will undertake:

1. Increase Access to Safely Managed Drinking Water: Construction and rehabilitation of in-village distribution infrastructure, including piped networks, storage reservoirs, and metered Functional Household Tap Connections (FHTCs). Strengthening operational and energy efficiency in Multi-Village Schemes (MVSs).
2. Strengthen Policies and Institutions: Developing and implementing a comprehensive Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Policy to improve institutional capacity and human resources. Enhancing the performance of local governance bodies like Gram Panchayats (GPs) in managing water services.
3. Improve Water Source Sustainability and Climate Resilience: Rejuvenation of minor irrigation tanks for groundwater recharge and increased water storage. Implementing greywater management systems to handle post-use water from households.
4. Community Mobilization and Capacity Building: Engaging Implementation Support Agencies (ISAs) to mobilize and train GPs to manage, operate, and maintain village water supply infrastructure. Encouraging community contributions towards the capital costs of in-village water distribution networks.
5. Water Quality and Monitoring: Installing reverse osmosis (RO) water treatment plants to address water quality issues. Providing water quality test kits to GPs and establishing district-level laboratories for routine testing.
6. Financial Sustainability: Implementing volumetric water meters and promoting tariff reforms to achieve cost recovery for O&M expenses. Conducting energy audits and introducing energy efficiency performance criteria for re-tendering operations contracts of existing MVSs.
7. Institutional Support and Project Management: Establishing a robust monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system focused on O&M and financial sustainability. Coordinating program activities and providing necessary technical and financial support through the Rural Drinking Water and Sanitation Department (RDWSD).

Bibliographical Information:

The World Bank (2023) Karnataka Sustainable Rural Water Supply Program. Program Information Documents (PID) , Water Global Practice , The World Bank

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» Karnataka Sustainable Rural Water Supply Program


Karnataka Sustainable Rural Water Supply Program PID

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