RWSN Ressources
Armstrong, A., Nilsson, K. and Tretheway, F.
Year of Publishing
Data Audit | 2022–2023. Uptime summary report
In late 2023, Uptime conducted a data audit to assess the integrity of reported performance across a portfolio of 12 results-based contracts in 12 countries. Data audits play an important role in Uptime’s wider data integrity strategy to ensure that results-based payments to rural water service providers are grounded in accuracy. Specific objectives of the audit were:
• to corroborate observed and self-reported performance metrics with supporting documentation;
• to assess the likelihood of fraud and systematic discrepancies between reported and observed performance;
• to inform the renewal of results-based contracts; and
• to support improved data management for operational monitoring.
In this data audit, service providers with active results-based contracts in January 2023 were required to submit supporting documentation for performance data reported to Uptime on a representative sample of handpumps and piped water schemes. Original operational and financial records were reviewed for completeness and agreement with reported performance. This report summarises the methods, findings, and recommendations for future data audits.
Bibliographical Information:
Armstrong, A., Nilsson, K. and Tretheway, F. (2024) Data Audit | 2022–2023.. Uptime summary report , Uptime
More Information
DATA AUDIT: 2022 - 2023