RWSN Ressources

Year of Publishing
University of Oxford
Progress to deliver safe drinking water services to 100 million rural people by 2030 Story of change: Key findings & emerging impacts
• REACH research is informing the development of results-based funding to improve rural water services and make progress towards SDG 6.1.
• In 2021, a global diagnostic survey identified rural water service providers in 68 countries with interest or existing experience in results-based funding. From small service providers to national and sub-national governments, over 460,000 handpumps and some 2.6 million piped connections were documented.
• Further screening of the data indicated up to 68 service providers in 28 countries could potentially provide results-based services to 5 million rural people in the near term.
• Four conditions are proposed to guide prioritising on-going country engagement: a) policy alignment, b) public finance, c) verifiable data, and d) professional services.
• Supported by the diagnostic study, the Uptime Catalyst Facility has expanded results-based contracts for reliable water services serving 1.5 million rural people in 7 countries in 2022 to over 5 million people in 17 countries, including Latin America and India in 2024.
Bibliographical Information:
REACH (2023) Progress to deliver safe drinking water services to 100 million rural people by 2030. Story of change: Key findings & emerging impacts , University of Oxford , REACH , Oxford, UK
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Progress to deliver safe drinking water services to 100 million rural people by 2030