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Year of Publishing
United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Rural Evidence and Learning for Water Project
Evaluating Water Quality Assurance Funds In Ghana Baseline Assessment
This report, developed by USAID/REAL-Water, summarizes baseline data collected before the launch of a two-year impact evaluation of the Water Quality Assurance Fund implementation model. This evaluation consists of a randomized stepped-wedge trial, which allows for rigorous impact measurements alongside a gradual intervention rollout. The evaluation involves 28 water systems in rural Ghana —21 that were randomly assigned to one of three groups successively entering the Assurance Fund program at six-month intervals; and seven that were non-randomly assigned to the first group. At baseline, we measured the same indicators that will be measured subsequently over the course of the stepped-wedge trial:
Chlorine residual and E. coli in piped water (the primary outcome indicators for the trial);
Water treatment practices;
Water quality knowledge of water system operators and local government officials;
Consumer awareness of and perceptions of water safety; and
Consumer willingness-to-pay for increased water treatment and testing.
Bibliographical Information:
REAL-Water (2023) Evaluating Water Quality Assurance Funds In Ghana. Baseline Assessment , United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Rural Evidence and Learning for Water Project
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Evaluating Water Quality Assurance Funds In Ghana