RWSN Ressources
Asian Development Bank
Year of Publishing
Asian Development Bank
Guidance Note on Mainstreaming Water Resilience in Asia and the Pacific
Asia and the Pacific is the most disaster-prone region in the world and water is the primary medium through which the impacts of climate change are felt. Resilient water management is central to achieving climate adaptation, managing and better preparing for natural and public health threats, and addressing water scarcity issues. The guidance note is based on six pillars: (i) demand for resilient water investments; (ii) a community approach; (iii) strengthened staff capacity; (iv) knowledge, innovation, and partnerships; (v) finance for water resilience; and (vi) digitalization.
This guidance note defines full resilience in the water sector as the capacity of an investment, system, community, or policy to respond to realized or potential climate change or other hazards. Building resilience, broadly and within the water sector, will require shifting perspective, from neutralizing risks in business-as-usual to enabling transformational change.
Bibliographical Information:
Asian Development Bank (2022) Guidance Note on Mainstreaming Water Resilience in Asia and the Pacific. , Asian Development Bank , Manila, Philippines
More Information
Guidance Note on Mainstreaming Water Resilience in Asia and the Pacific, ADB