Announcement from 25.10.2012
Manage & Support Workshop generates momentum Workshop outcomes

© 2014 RWSN • RWSN
On 2 & 3 of October, 26 RWSN practitioners from 12 countries came to The Hague, and more joined online, to listen and discuss to issues and experience of maintaining and extending rural water services. Presentations gave perspectives from Senegal, Kenya, Ghana, Ukraine, Madagascar, Brazil, Colombia and South Africa. From the discussions the following way forward was proposed:
- Agree on group’s vision and mission,
- Agree on list of topics for discussion with the wider group
- Identify “leaders” for each topic = Identify a core group committed to providing input in the working group,
- Identify key activities and agree collectively,
- Establish a workplan for year 1,
- Increase group membership (outreach strategy),
- Develop ToRs for the group.
You can find the presentations and workshop report here:
More Information
» Presentations and write-ups from workshop section in The Hague