No. 9 Jubilee Wells Street

Contact Person
Wieke de Vries



Project Maji is a not-for-profit social enterprise and registered NGO, providing sustainable access to safe water via a bespoke solar-powered water kiosk, powered by a proprietary system named the Project Maji Cube. Designed to be fit-for-purpose in the harsh and varied rural environments in which we work, our Cubes are modular, customisable, mobile-enabled, affordable, and durable.

With a steady supply of sunshine year- round in the communities we serve, there is a constant power-supply to all our sites at zero cost; a key element in keeping our solution truly sustainable. Communities are able to collect water at any time, simply by turning on one of the Cube’s multiple taps, saving time that would otherwise be spent waiting in long queues at the handpump or walking to distant and polluted, open water sources.

We partner with Governments, World Vision, and IFRC, as well as the private sector and individual donors to deliver clean water access to rural villages of up to 1000 people; those often overlooked by larger organisations and government, and left without agency. Post installation, we measure community satisfaction rates, including health, economic, and educational benefits at all our sites.

Our baseline data is collected before the onset of the project and is disaggregated with water usage. We use social impact software to monitor our carbon-footprint, to track site insolation and any community issues which may arise. We have partnered with the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Department at the Cape Coast University, Ghana, and Ampuz, a digital social impact platform, to quantify our impact and provide thorough impact reporting for all our partners and donors.


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